The Best Basket Container Ideas for Gift Baskets

The Best Basket Container Ideas for Gift Baskets

Published by Erica Pennyfeather on 22nd Nov 2019

Its the season of gifting, and gift basket ideas are at the top of our mind. Handing over a DIY gift basket arrangement is a lot more personal than a store bought one, and you get to have fun while creating it. Here's a listicle of some of our favorite picks for gift basket containers.


The traditional gift basket usually features a willow basket setting. This provides just enough space to arrange your gift items, and the basket itself can be used as a decorative storage piece afterwards.

If you want to use a basket without sounding generic, you can opt for a  picnic basket as a base. This gives you the advantages of a regular basket, but with a more exciting appearance.

est Baskets for Gift Baskets

Treasure Chests

Wooden treasure chests evoke fantasies of rogue pirates and their buried treasures. Arrange your gift items in an open chest to take advantage of a sturdy wooden base, or leave the chest closed to add an adventurous mystery touch to your gift-giving.

Best Treasure Chests for Gift Baskets


Few things are as thrilling as finding an unexpected gift in an unexpected place. If you plan on dropping off your gift basket for the recipient to find on their own, a decorative tray is a good choice. While it doesn't give you much depth, it gives your gift a very personal feel.

Best Trays for Gift Baskets